overview > inception > ideate > improve > investigate > iterate > infiltrate
This is where it begins. There are no born innovators. Ordinary people become great innovators when powerful motivations demand it. Sophisticated mission statements are not enough. There must be compelling reasons. Personal reasons. To start any journey without understanding your true purpose is to fail before you begin.
Mark Randall’s secret to Joyful success:
Amplify your unique talents with the skills of a great team to change the world, creating value for others and meaning for you. Align yourself with the interests of your customers
Watch Simon Sinek’s “Start With Why”
The success of your project will be closely related to your personal motivation and drivers. Your personal “WHY”. Check what Simon Sinek has to say about that:
Link: www.startwithwhy.com
The Five Why’s:
When you think you found your ‘WHY’, ask someone around you to do the ‘five why’s’ exercise with you. You present your why, and the person replies with a why question. Here are a few examples:
So why are YOU doing this?
And why exactly is that?
OK, and what is the reason behind that?
Why on earth would you do that?
Is that your true motivation?
Sounds great, but why?
Mmmm … why?
… you get the point :)
By doing this exercise with an open mind, you will discover more about your true motivations. Try it!
Still confused about your WHY? This little toolkit may help:
Find your inner drive
Check the MOTIVATIONS card in your physical box or on the right side of this page.
What personally meaningful goals will a successful project help you achieve?
Write three personal goals down on the card from your personal innovation kit.
Choose the personally meaningful goals who will help you achieve a successful project.