Level 4 is where you engage potential customers to gather data. This data will indicate whether your idea should be pursued, changed or dropped. It begins with two steps: Discovery and Validation. You can also think of them as Ask and Sell or Learn and Confirm.
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Learn from your market
How to talk with customers
Talk to customers like you talk to your friends.
When? You can’t do it fast enough. If you haven’t talked with a customer within 24 hours you are late.
Conduct problem interview before solution interview – you must understand the customer’s pain points and gains they would like to realize before validating your solution. A better or different solution to a more painful problem may present itself!
Ask about past behavior. Specifics. Not aggregate (“how many times a week do you feed your kids vegetables” vs “what did you feed your kids last?”)
People are terrible predictors of their own future behavior.
How to interview: Customer Interviews
Open Up For The World
Go Public
Make a set of online ads to attract traffic to your site.
Finetune your offering.
Experiment with ads and the website to reach 250 visitors and 25 visitors expressing intrest.
Testing tools
Take A Break
Review the results and learnings with your mentor.
Engage potential customers to gather data. Learn and confirm.